
Last updated May 24, 2021

The Population Project

On collecting profiles

We, at the Population Project, take the issue of privacy very seriously. The only data we collect on the site is limited to a small number of items, namely: full name (including maiden name for women); sex at birth; date of birth; place of birth.

We don’t collect anything else. Race, religion, sexual orientation, education, and income level are irrelevant to us.

All the information we collect is readily available on the internet, without the use of any login or password. It never comes from social networks.

Once recorded, a name cannot be traced back to its source. Whether we found the name of John Doe in a list of inmates, triathletes, or college graduates will not appear anywhere on the site.

On the site’s visitors

We have adopted Wikimedia’s privacy policy. We will only log your IP address if you add or edit a human’s record, so we are able to identify and undo malicious actions. If you are uncomfortable with providing your IP address, you may create an anonymous account (we won’t even ask for your email address) and we’ll stop logging your IP address. Your privacy is our priority.