James Aguirre, born on March 7, 1940 in Montana, USA
The Human
Who is James Aguirre?
James Aguirre is a human born in the United States of America in the early months of 1940. The sex at birth is presumed to be male.
What is the origin of the first name James?
James is a masculine given name of Hebrew origin. It is the English form of the Latin name Iacomus, which was derived from the Hebrew name Ya'aqov (Jacob), meaning "supplanter" or "holder of the heel." James has been a royal name in Scotland and England for centuries and remains widely used today.
What's the history of this record on The Population Project?
This record was created on June 04, 2024 on The Population Project. It hasn't been edited since then.
If you have information about this human, you can edit their record anonymously or create a new one here.
The Context
What was the context in the United States of America in 1940?
The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 was passed, creating the first peacetime conscription in United States history, in anticipation of World War II involvement. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to an unprecedented third term as President, reflecting the nation's trust in his leadership during the ongoing crisis. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park was officially dedicated, preserving one of the largest protected areas in the eastern United States and highlighting the country's commitment to conservation and natural beauty.