Andy Pope, born in 1947

The Human

  • Who is Andy Pope?
    Andy Pope is a human born in 1947. The sex at birth is presumed to be male.
  • What's the history of this record on The Population Project?
    This record was created on March 22, 2024 on The Population Project. It hasn't been edited since then. If you have information about this human, you can edit their record anonymously or create a new one here.

The Context

  • What was the context in the United States of America in 1947?
    The Truman Doctrine was announced, pledging U.S. support to countries threatened by communism, marking the start of the Cold War's containment policy. The National Security Act of 1947 was enacted, creating the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the National Security Council (NSC), reorganizing the U.S. military and intelligence communities for the Cold War era. Jackie Robinson broke Major League Baseball's color barrier by playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers, a landmark event in the civil rights movement.
  • They were born in 1947
    Coach K - American former college basketball coach.
    Thomas Clancy Jr - Part-owner of his hometown MLB team, the Baltimore Orioles
    Peter Maravich - American professional basketball player.

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  • Sex at Birth:
  • Full Name:
  • Reference Country:
    United States of America
  • Year of birth:
  • Age:
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