Oscar William Percival, born in 2017 in GBR

The Human

  • Who is Oscar Percival?
    Oscar Percival is a human born in the United Kingdom in 2017. The sex at birth is presumed to be male.
  • What's the history of this record on The Population Project?
    This record was created on April 19, 2023 on The Population Project. It hasn't been edited since then. If you have information about this human, you can edit their record anonymously or create a new one here.

The Context

  • What was the context in the United Kingdom in 2017?
    Sir Tim Barrow is appointed as the UK's new ambassador to the European Union. The British Red Cross describes the current situation in England's NHS hospitals as a "humanitarian crisis". The Trades Union Congress announces that the average UK household owes £12,887 in debt. MPs back the European Union Bill by 498 votes to 114, with 47 Labour rebels voting against. Plans for building more homes in England are revealed by the government, after ministers say that the housing market is "broken".
  • They were born in 2017
    Edward I - King of England from 1272 to 1307.

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  • Sex at Birth:
  • Full Name:
  • Reference Country:
    United Kingdom
  • Year of birth:
  • Age:
  • Country of Birth:
    United Kingdom
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