Esme J Sharman, born in 1925 in GBR

The Human

  • Who is Esme Sharman?
    Esme Sharman is a human born in the United Kingdom in 1925. The sex at birth is presumed to be female.
  • What's the history of this record on The Population Project?
    This record was created on May 16, 2023 on The Population Project. It hasn't been edited since then. If you have information about this human, you can edit their record anonymously or create a new one here.

The Context

  • What was the context in the United Kingdom in 1925?
    Pink's War: The British Royal Air Force bombards mountain strongholds of Mahsud tribesmen in South Waziristan. Administration of Estates Act abolishes the legal rule of primogeniture in England and Wales and the remnants of gavelkind in Kent; Law of Property Act modernises the law relating to real estate (both Acts come into effect 1 January 1926). Presenting the Baldwin ministry's budget, Chancellor of the Exchequer Winston Churchill announces Britain's return to the gold standard (the gold bullion standard rather than the specie standard). Last communication from the British explorer Percy Fawcett, a telegram to his wife, before he disappears in the Amazon.
  • They were born in 1925
    Honor Blackman - English actress
    Robert Edwards - British physiologist and pioneer in reproductive medicine
    Norman Hart - English artist

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  • Sex at Birth:
  • Full Name:
  • Reference Country:
    United Kingdom
  • Year of birth:
  • Age:
  • Country of Birth:
    United Kingdom
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