Maurice Pierre Dupuy, born on August 22, 1942 in FRA

The Human

  • Who is Maurice Dupuy?
    Maurice Dupuy is a human born in France in the late months of 1942. The sex at birth is presumed to be male.
  • What's the history of this record on The Population Project?
    This record was created on May 04, 2023 on The Population Project. It hasn't been edited since then. If you have information about this human, you can edit their record anonymously or create a new one here.

The Context

  • What was the context in France in 1942?
    981 deported, 26 survivors in 1945.departure of the 32nd deportation convoy of Jews from France, from the Drancy camp to Auschwitz.Admiral Leahy, United States ambassador to the Vichy Government, is back in Washington. He told the press
  • They were born in 1942
    Francoise Dorleac - French actress.
    Francois Debre - Member of the Societe des gens de lettres.
    Patrick Le Lay - French engineer

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  • Sex at Birth:
  • Full Name:
  • Reference Country:
  • Date of birth:
    August 22, 1942
  • Age:
  • Country of Birth:
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