Karen Jan King, born in 1971 in Tamworth, New South Wales, AUS
The Human
Who is Karen King?
Karen King is a human born in Australia in 1971.
What is the origin of the first name Karen?
Karen is a feminine given name of Danish origin, a variant of Katherine, meaning "pure." It became popular outside Scandinavia during the 20th century. The name is associated with kindness and caring, often symbolizing a nurturing and compassionate personality.
What is the origin of the last name King?
King is a surname of English and Scottish origin. It often denoted someone who carried out work for the king, acted in a kingly manner, or played the role of the king in a medieval pageant, deriving from the Old English "cyning," meaning king. It symbolizes authority or service to the monarchy.
What's the history of this record on The Population Project?
This record was created on July 25, 2023 on The Population Project. It hasn't been edited since then.
If you have information about this human, you can edit their record anonymously or create a new one here.
The Context
What was the context in 1971?
66 people are killed and over 200 injured during a crush in Glasgow, Scotland. The United Kingdom lifts all restrictions on gold ownership. Massachusetts passes its Chapter 766 laws enacting special education.
They were born in 1971
Danielle Minogue - Australian singer, television personality, and actress.